For Emergencies - Call 911
Stay Informed About Community Events and Fire Safety Training on the LOFPD Calendar
Join us for a variety of events throughout the year, from annual celebrations and fundraising events to firefighter training and fire safety seminars. We are committed to promoting emergency preparedness in Lake Ozark while bringing our community together. Check out our calendar of events for upcoming opportunities to learn, have fun, and support our mission.
October is here! Don't miss your chance to support a great cause! 2023 LOFPD Breast Cancer Awareness Shirts Are Here! They are $20 each. Stop by Station 1 on Bagnell Dam Blvd to purchase shirts during office hours Monday - Friday 8-4PM. To reserve a shirt call 573-365-3380 during office hours. All proceeds go to Lake Regional Cancer Center. Get your shirt while supplies last!
Upcoming Events
Annual Celebrations & Festivals in Lake Ozark
LOFPD participates in several annual celebrations and festivals that showcase our community and provide opportunities to promote emergency preparedness. From community parades to fairs and festivals, these events offer a chance to see our equipment, learn about our services, and interact with our firefighters. Don't miss out on the fun and stay safe with LOFPD.
Fire Safety Training and Emergency Preparedness
We offer a variety of fire safety training events throughout the year to promote emergency preparedness and keep our community safe. From basic fire safety to specialized training for businesses and organizations, our events are designed to educate and inform. Join us for our next training event and learn valuable skills that could save lives.
Fundraising Events for a Good Cause
We rely on the support of our community to fund our life-saving operations. Our fundraising events are a fun way to get involved and support our mission. From spaghetti dinners to golf tournaments, our fundraising events are designed to bring people together while supporting a good cause. Join us for our next event and help us make a difference in our community.
Open Houses and Community Outreach
We regularly host open houses and community outreach events to connect with our community and promote fire safety. Join us for a tour of our fire stations or stop by one of our outreach events to learn more about our services and how we keep Lake Ozark safe.